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Coffee Table Book

A full-color keepsake coffee table book is being published with fabulous photos and some history with notable changes over the past 35 years!

SRF welcomes everyone with a Standardbred, not just adopted from SRF
  • Photographs and stories.

  • A special memorial to someone or a horse who has or still has a place in your heart. 

Choose One and Click 

Publish Something Special

No Photograph​

  • No Photograph

  • Includes 200 word characters

  • No cost

Publish Something Special

  • Photo and Half Page 

  • Includes 700 word characters

  • Includes the Book

  • $150

Publish Something Special

  • Photo-and Quarter Page

  • Includes 500 word characters

  • Includes the Book

  • $125.

Publish Something Special

  • Photo and Full Page 

  • Includes 1,200 word characters

  • Includes the Book

  • $200

Order the Book Only
$100. plus 

Click Here to Purchase

The Book is Available in our

Online Store. 

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